Women are contributing to their own oppression

Kashish Singh
3 min readJun 14, 2021

“Oh look at her, she doesn’t even deserve all this, I’m disgruntled”, hey ladies ever found yourself in that spot?

We’ve all had this moment; the moment where you know you should be happy for her success but in reality, you’re just feeling resentful and wishing you had that. We question our identity based on some other woman’s achievements/looks. Ever wondered why is it easier to tear each other down rather than build each other up?

Don’t let someone else’s story dictate yours

Success is different for every individual, it’s easier to feel jealous of other women with how their success appears to you, but there are parts of the story you don’t know. We all have unique stories, specific struggles, hardships, different things that make us happy and all these things make us who we are today.

But, just by the outer appearance of things we tend to fall for a common trap that is of believing that another woman’s success is a negative evaluation of us and our lack of success, here we need to look on the brighter side, supporting and encouraging each other is much more important than tearing each other down, after all, it’s already challenging enough to succeed as women in certain fields. Why make it harder for each other.

It isn’t helpful to let the lives of others serve as the yardstick for defining our worth. It will only leave us feeling inadequate because there will always be someone who is smarter, funnier, prettier, and stronger than us. Instead, remember that you are enough, just as you are. It’s not a competition, we are all on the same team.

When women support each other, incredible things happen

Why is it so hard for some women to be happy for another woman’s success? Why don’t many women say anything pleasant about another woman or their achievements? These are the questions that tell us that we as women are contributing to our own oppression, before demanding equality, let’s work for own self.

Everybody will have their moment to shine, sometimes it’s going to be your moment and sometimes mine, so don’t try to steal the spotlight from somebody else. Good things happen to all of us but at different times, so support, encourage and champion other women, eventually you will find that more women will champion you. Try and boost a woman’s shine by celebrating and embracing her life or achievements, by this your shine will probably be brighter than before.

There is the magic that can happen when we support and love each other. It is our duty as a woman to help other women shine. Gossiping and mocking about her won’t let you grow sweety, instead, accept that everybody’s journey is different and we as women should support and stand up for each other in every aspect of life. Together we shine brighter.

